[75] | Volatile Decision Dynamics: Experiments Stochastic Description Intermittency Control and Traffic (Helbing D.~, Schonhof M.~, Kern D.~) In New Journal of Physics, volume 4, 2002. CCM-Nr 49/02 [bib] [pdf] |
[74] | Drift-or Fluctuation-Induced Ordering and Sef-Organization in Driven Many Particle Systems (Helbing D.~, Platkowski T.~) In EuroPhys.~Letters, volume 60, 2002. CCM-Nr 52/02 [bib] [pdf] |
[73] | Mesoscopic Derivation of a Fundamental Diagram One-Lane Traffic (Filliger R.~, Hongler M.-O.~) In Phys.~Lett.~A, volume 301, 2002. CCM-Nr 51/02 [bib] [pdf] |
[72] | Complexity-Based Metrics for the Evaluation of the Program Organization (Cardoso A.~I.~, Crespo R.~G.~, Kokol P.~), 2002. CCM-Nr 68/02 [bib] [pdf] |
[71] | The Alfa Metric Values for Random and Fully Organized Programs (Cardoso A.~I.~, Crespo R.~G.~, Kokol P.~), 2002. CCM-Nr 69/02 [bib] [pdf] |
[70] | Research of the 55 Objects from the Catalogos ROSAT 2MASS and IUE (Caires N.~B.~F.~, Augusto P.~), 2002. CCM-Nr 46/02 [bib] |
[69] | Is B0345+085 a Supernova Remnant? (Caires N.~B.~F.~, Augusto P.~), 2002. CCM-Nr 48/02 [bib] |
[68] | A Two-Space Dimensional Semilinear Heat Equation Perturbed by (Gaussian) White Noise (Albeverio S.~, Haba Z.~, Russo F.~) In Probab.~Theory Related Fields, volume 121, 2002. CCM-Nr 28/98 [bib] [pdf] |
[67] | Constraining models of Active Galactic Nuclei: evolution of radio galaxies and the size of the narrow-line region (Augusto P.~, Gon calves A.~, Aparicio N.~, Caires N.~B.~F.~), 2002. CCM-Nr 40/00 [bib] [pdf] |
[66] | A Base de Dados das 55 fontes radio (Aparicio N.~, Augusto P.~), 2002. CCM-Nr 47/02 [bib] [pdf] |
[65] | Series Temporais para a Analise de Estrelas Variaveis (Andrade J.~, Augusto P.~), 2002. CCM-Nr 65/02 [bib] [pdf] |
[64] | On a Relation Between Intrinsic and Extrinsic Dirichlet Forms for Interactiong Particle Systems (Da Silva J.~L.~, Kondratiev Yu.~G.~, R\ockner M.~) In Math.~Nachr., volume 222, 2001. CCM-Nr 24/98 [bib] [pdf] |
[63] | Multiple Intersection Local Times in Terms of White Noise (Mendon ca S.~, Streit L.~) In Infin.~Dimens.~Anal.~Quantum Probab.~Relat.~Top., volume 4, 2001. CCM-Nr 35/99 [bib] [pdf] |
[62] | Restri coes a Modelos de Nucleos Galacticos Activos (AGN) A Evolu cao de Radio Galaxias e o tamanho da Regiao Emissora de Riscas Estreitas (no espectro de AGN) (Caires N.~B.~F.~), 2001. CCM-Nr 44/01 [bib] [pdf] |
[61] | Intersection local times of independent Brownian motions as generalized white noise functionals (Albeverio Sergio, Oliveira Maria Joao, Streit Ludwig) In Acta Appl. Math., volume 69, 2001. [bib] [pdf] [doi] |
[60] | Uniqueness for Gibbs measures of quantum lattices in small mass regime (Albeverio S.~, Kondratiev Yu.~G.~, Kozitsky Y.~, R\ockner M.~) In Ann.~Inst.~H.~Poincare Probab.~Statist., volume 37, 2001. CCM-Nr 25/98 [bib] |
[59] | Roles of Log-Concavity Log-Convexity and Growth Order in White Noise Analysis. (Asai N.~, Kubo I.~, Kuo H.~H.~) In Infin.~Dimens.~Anal.~Quantum Probab.~Relat.~Top, volume 4, 2001. CCM-Nr 37/99 [bib] [pdf] |
[58] | Restri coes a Modelos de Nucleos Galacticos Activos (AGN): A Evolu cao de Radio-Galaxias e o Tamanho da Regiao Emissora de Riscas Estreitas (no espectro de AGN)'' - Constru cao da Base de Dados (Aparicio N.~), 2001. CCM-Nr 43/01 [bib] [pdf] |
[57] | Application of a Multi-Zone Two-Dimensional Thermal Radiation Model for Control of a Metal Reheating Furnace under Transient Conditions (Sousa J.~A.~, Correia S.~A.~C.~, Ward J.~) In Actas da 3rd European Thermal Sciences Conference (Eurotherm 2000), 2000. [bib] |
[56] | Numerical Prediction of the Transient Operation of a Gas-Fired Reheationg Furnace (Sousa J.~A.~, Correia S.~A.~C.~, Ward J.~) In Actas do 2000 ASME Winter Annual Meeting, 2000. [bib] |