Type: Article
[81] Equilibrium Kawasaki Dyanmics of Continuos Particle Systems (Kondratiev Yu.~G.~, Lytvynov E.~W.~, R\ockner M.~) In Infin.~Dimens.~Anal.~Quantum Proban.~Relat.~Top., volume 10, 2007. CCM-Nr 04/07 [bib] [pdf]
[80] Equilibrium Glauber Dynamics of Continuous Particle Systems as a Scaling Limit of Kawasaki Dynamics (Finkelshtein D.~L.~, Kondratiev Yu.~G.~, Lytvynov E.~W.~) In Random Oper. Stoch. Equ., volume 15, 2007. CCM-Nr 03/07 [bib] [pdf]
[79] Stochastic convolution-type heat equations with nonlinear drift (Erraoui M.~, Ouerdiane H.~, Da Silva J.~L.~) In Stoch.~Anal.~Appl., volume 25, 2007. CCM-Nr 84/03 [bib] [pdf]
[78] On Contact Processes in Continuum (Kondratiev Yu.~G.~, Skorokhod A.~) In Infin.~Dimens.~Anal Quantum Probb.~Relat.~Top., volume 9, 2006. CCM-Nr 118/06 [bib] [pdf]
[77] Non-Equilibrium Glauber Type Dyanmics in Continuum (Kondratiev Yu.~G.~, Kutoviy O.~, Zhizhina E.~) In J.~Math.~Phys., volume 47, 2006. CCM-Nr 119/06 [bib] [pdf]
[76] Renormalization of Local Times of Triple Points From Brownian motion (Jenane R.~, Hachaichi R.~, Streit L.~) In Infin.~Dimens.~Anal Quantum Prob.~Relat., volume Top. 9, 2006. CCM-Nr 94/04 [bib] [pdf]
[75] Scaling limit of fluctuations for the equilibrium Glauber dynamics in continuum (Grothaus M.~) In J.~Funct.~Anal., volume 239, 2006. CCM-Nr 02/06 [bib]
[74] An Exact Solution to a Kolmogorov-Type Model for two Interacting Populations (Filliger R.~, Hongler M.-O.~) In Applied Probability Trust. The Mathematical Scientist, volume 31, 2006. CCM-Nr 104/05 [bib] [pdf]
[73] The Skeleton Theorem for Non-Gaussian Complex Random Fields (Deck T.~) In Potential Anal., volume 24, 2006. CCM-Nr 91/04 [bib] [pdf]
[72] Asymptotic properties of Bayes estimators for Gaussian Ito-processes with noisy observations (Deck T.~) In J.~Multivariate Anal., volume 97, 2006. CCM-Nr 95/04 [bib] [pdf]
[71] Multiple Thresholds Arise in a Model System of Noisy Ion Channels (Barber M.~J.~, Risting M.~L.~) In Phys.~Rev.~E, volume 74, 2006. CCM-Nr 117/06 [bib] [pdf]
[70] Network of European Union-Funded Collaborative Research and Development Projects. (Barber M.~J.~, Kruger A.~, Kruger T.~, R\odiger-Schluga T.~) In Phy.~Rev.~E, volume 73, 2006. CCM-Nr 113/05 [bib] [pdf]
[69] Probabilistic quantum control via indirect measurement (Mandilara A.~, Clark J.~W.~) In Physical Review A (Atomic Molecular and Optical Physics), volume 71, 2005. CCM-Nr 106/05 [bib] [pdf] [doi]
[68] Higher Education To-Day - A One Billion Euro Misunderstandig (Streit L.~) In Gazeta de Fisica, volume 24, 2005. CCM-Nr 100/04 [bib]
[67] Quantum Games and Social Norms. The Quantum Ultimatum Game (Vilela Mendes R.~) In Quantum Information Processing 4, volume 4, 2005. CCM-Nr 77/03 [bib] [pdf]
[66] A Dynamics Approach to the Computation of Eigenvectors of Matrices (Jimenez S.~, Vazquez L.~) In Comp.~Math., volume 23, 2005. CCM-Nr 76/03 [bib]
[65] Feynman Integrals for Non-Smooth and Rapidly Growing Potentials (Faria M.~, Oliveira M.~J.~, Streit L.~) In J.~Math.~Phys., volume 46, 2005. CCM-Nr 99/04 [bib] [pdf]
[64] Syphon Dynamics- A soluble Model of Multi Agents (Filliger R.~, Hongler M.-O.~) In Europhys.~Lett.~, volume 70, 2005. CCM-Nr 101/04 [bib] [pdf]
[63] Relative Entropy and Efficient Measure for Diffusion (Filliger R.~, Hongler M.-O.~) In Journal Phys. A: Math Gen.~, volume 38, 2005. CCM-Nr 102/04 [bib] [pdf]
[62] Fun coes teste e fun coes generalizadas em dimensao 1. Descri cao e caracteriza cao (Ferreira J.~, Gouveia D.~, Reis M.~, Da Silva J.~L.~) In Boletim da SPM, volume 52, 2005. [bib] [pdf]