Year: 1998
[8] Studies in Non-Gaussian Analysis (Da Silva J.~L.~), 1998. CCM-Nr 31/98 [bib] [pdf]
[7] Generalized functions in infinite-dimensional analysis (Kondratiev Yu.~G.~, Streit L.~, Westerkamp W.~, Yan J.A.~) In Hiroshima Math.~ J., volume 28(2), 1998. [bib] [pdf]
[6] Feynman Integrals for a Class of Exponentially Growing Potentials (Kuna T.~, Streit L.~, Westerkamp W.~) In J.~Math.~Phys., volume 38, 1998. CCM-Nr 18/97 [bib] [pdf]
[5] Analysis on Poisson and Gamma spaces (Kondratiev Yu.~G.~, Da Silva J.~L.~, Streit L.~, Us F.~G.~) In Infin.~Dimens.~Anal.~Quantum Probab.~Relat.~Top., volume 1, 1998. CCM-Nr 20/97 [bib] [pdf]
[4] Representation of diffeomorphims on compound Poisson space (Kondratiev Yu.~G.~, Da Silva J.~L.~, Streit L.~) In Analysis on Infinite-Dimensional Lie Groups and Algebras, 1998. [bib] [pdf]
[3] Marked Gibbs Measures via Cluster Expansion (Kondratiev Yu.~G.~, Kuna T.~, Da Silva J.~L.~) In Methods Funct.~Anal.~Topology, volume 4, 1998. CCM-Nr 30/98 [bib] [pdf]
[2] The Burgers Equation with a Non-Gaussian Random Force (Benth F.~, Streit L.~) In Stochastic analysis and related topics VI (Geilo 1996), 1998. CCM-Nr 16a/96 [bib]
[1] Small Mass Behaviour of Quantum Gibbs for Lattice Models with Unbounded Spins (Albeverio S.~, Kondratiev Yu.~G.~, Minlos R.~A.~, Rebenko A.~L.~) In J.~Statist.~Phys., volume 194, 1998. CCM-Nr 21/97 [bib]