Publications of Drumond C.~ in ccm.bib
[3] Intersection local times of fractional Brownian motions with H in (01) as generalized white noise functionals (Drumond C.~, Oliveira M.~J.~, Da Silva J.~L.~) In Stochastic and Quantum Dynamics of Biomolecular Systems, 2008. CCM-Nr 01/08 [bib] [pdf]
[2] The Renormalization of Self Intersection Local Times I: The Chaos Expansion (Faria M.~, Drumond C.~, Streit L.~) In Infin.~Dimens.~Anal.~Quantum Probab.~Relat.~Top., volume 3, 2000. CCM-Nr 27/98 [bib] [pdf]
[1] The Feynman integrand for the perturbed harmonic oscillator as a Hida distribution (Cunha M.~, Drumond C.~, Da Silva J.~L.~, Leukert P.~) In Ann.~Physik (8), volume 4, 1995. CCM-Nr 14/95 [bib] [pdf]