Publications of Barber M.~J.~ in ccm.bib
[9] NetzCope: A Tool for Displaying and Analyzing Complex Networks (Barber M.~J.~, Streit L.~, Strogan O.~) In Quantum Bio- Informatics IV, 2011. [bib] [pdf]
[8] Empirical Analysis of EU-Funded Collaborative R\&D Networks (Barber M.~J.~, Streit L.~, Strogan O.~), 2009. [bib] [pdf]
[7] Empirical Analysis of EU-Funded Collaborative R\&D Networks (Barber M.~J.~, Streit L.~, Strogan O.~), 2008. CCM-Nr 16/08 [bib] [pdf]
[6] Searching for Communities in Bipartite Networks (Barber M.~J.~, Faria M.~, Streit L.~, Strogan O.~) In Searching for Communities in Bipartite Networks: Proceedings of the 5th Jagna International Workshop, 2008. CCM-Nr 02/08 [bib] [pdf] [doi]
[5] I\&D Collaboration Networks in the European Framework Programmes (Barber M.~J.~, R\odiger-Schluga T.~), 2007. CCM-Nr 127/07 [bib] [pdf]
[4] Numerically Solving SDE's Using Python (Barber M.~J.~, Da Silva J.~L.~), 2007. CCM-Nr 05/07 [bib] [pdf]
[3] The Structure of R\&D Collaboration Networks (Barber M.~J.~, R\odiger-Schluga T.~), 2006. CCM-Nr 10/06 [bib]
[2] Multiple Thresholds Arise in a Model System of Noisy Ion Channels (Barber M.~J.~, Risting M.~L.~) In Phys.~Rev.~E, volume 74, 2006. CCM-Nr 117/06 [bib] [pdf]
[1] Network of European Union-Funded Collaborative Research and Development Projects. (Barber M.~J.~, Kruger A.~, Kruger T.~, R\odiger-Schluga T.~) In Phy.~Rev.~E, volume 73, 2006. CCM-Nr 113/05 [bib] [pdf]