
08h30-8h45 - Opening session: with Rector of the University, Prof. Dr. Castanheira da Costa
08h45-9h30 - Christian van de Broeck: Optimization efficiencies in thermal machines I
09h30-10h15 - Christian van de Broeck: Optimization efficiencies in thermal machines II
10h15-10h45 (coffee)
10h45-11h30 - Lutz Schimansky-Geier: Waves in heterogeneous neuronal tissues
11h30- 12h15 - Lutz Schimansky-Geier: Stochastic Excitability Improved by Delayed Feedback
12h30 -14h00 Lunch
14h00-14h45 - Juan Parrondo: A (linear response) theory of everything
14h45-15h30 - Juan Parrondo: Control in games and ratchets
15h30-16h00 (coffee)
16h00-16h45Julio Rodriguez: Frequency Adaptation in Networks of Coupled Limit Cycle Oscillators

08h45-09h30 -  Michele Pavon: Controlled thermodynamical systems and stochastic variational principles I
09h30-10h15 -  Michele Pavon: Controlled thermodynamical systems and stochastic variational principles II
10h15-10h45 (coffee)
10h45-11h30  - Jose Niño-Mora: Dynamic priority allocation via restless bandit marginal value index policies I
11h30-12h15 -  Jose Niño-Mora: Dynamic priority allocation via restless bandit marginal value index policies II
12h30 -14h00 Lunch
14h00-14h45  Christian Mazza: Stochastic models in systems biology I
14h45-15h30  José Luís Silva: α-Continuity of SDEs driven by α-tempered stable processes
15h30-16h00 (coffee)
16h00-16h45 Florence Yerly: Stochastic modeling of biological phenomena: Growth of plant


08h45-09h30 - Michèle Thieullen: The Optimal Transportation Problem via Stochastic Control I
09h30-10h15 - Michèle Thieullen: The Optimal Transportation Problem via Stochastic Control II
10h15-10h45 -  (coffee)
10h45-11h30  - Max-Olivier Hongler: Ballistic super-diffusive noise and stochastic optimal control problems
11h30-12h15 -  Max-Olivier Hongler: Centralized versus decentralized control - A solvable stylized  model in transportation
12h30 -14h00 Lunch

Afternoon social event

09h00-09h45 -   Christian Mazza: Stochastic models in systems biology II
09h45-10h30 -   Chrystel Feller: Phyllotaxis: stochastic model including mechanics and the effects of auxin
10h30-10h45 - Closing and end of SOCONT