Note: colors in pies appear strictly in counterclockwise order. Thus it is possible to distinguish different subjects that have similar colors to their neigbours.

    red, Aerospace Technology
    dull green, Agriculture
    green, Biotechnology
    orange Construction Technolgy
    red purple, Coordination Cooperation
    dark red, Eath Sciences
    lime, Economic Aspects
    magenta, Education Training
    bright orange, Electronics, Mikroelectronics
    light orange, Energy Saving
    pink, Energy storage&transport
    light green, environmental protection
    dark gray, evaluation
    dark green, food
    light purple, forecasting
    black, fossile fuels
    light brown, industrial manufacture
    dull blue 2, inform. proc, inf syst
    cyan, information, media
    red orange, innovation trasfer
    dark blue, legislation, regulations
    light green (2), life sciences
    lignt brown 3, matherials,thechnology
    light yellow, Mathematics, Statistics
    light gray, measurement methods
    green 4, medicine health
    light blue, meteorology
    nuclear fission
    dark green 3, nuclear fussion
    reed 2, other energy topics
    orange 2, other technology
    gray, policies
    yellow, radiation protection
    radioactive waste
    reference materials
    regional development
    bright blue, renewable sources of energy
    blue, Resources of the sea, fisheries
    red purple, safety
    navy, scientific research
    purple, social aspects
    greenish dark gray, standards
    dark enough gray, waste management