Year: 1993
[4] The Feynman Integral Recent Results (Streit L.~) In Dynamics of complex and irregular systems (Bielefeld 1991), 1993. CCM-Nr 10/92 [bib]
[3] Integrante de Feynman para o oscilador harmonico com perturba cao and Plano tangente ao grupo ortogonal na ambito da Geometria Diferencial (Da Silva J.~L.~), 1993. [bib]
[2] Quantum Mecanical Propagators in Terms of Hida Disrtibutions (Leukert P.~, Lascheck A.~, Streit L.~, Westerkamp W.~) In Rep.~Math.~Phys., volume 33, 1993. CCM-Nr 12/93 [bib]
[1] On the Geometry of Warped Spacetimes (Carot J.~, Costa J.~) In Classical Quantum Gravity, volume 10, 1993. CCM-Nr 9/92 [bib]