Bibtex entry: Some Remarks on the Use of the U-Type Probability Distribution Functions in 5Monte Carlo Simulation in ccm.bib
  Title                    = {Some Remarks on the Use of the U-Type Probability Distribution Functions in 5Monte Carlo Simulation},
  Author                   = {Sousa, J.~A.~ and Ribeiro, A.~S.~},
  Booktitle                = {Actas do 10th Brazilian Congress of Thermal Engineering and Sciences (ENCIT 2004)},
  Year                     = {2004},
  Month                    = {June--Jully},
  Ccmauthor                = {Sousa, J.~A.~},
  Date-added               = {2008-11-14 09:46:03 +0000},
  Date-modified            = {2008-11-14 09:46:03 +0000},
  Owner                    = {dmeuma},
  Timestamp                = {2008.11.07}