Bibtex entry: Lagrangian transport pathways in the northeast Atlantic and their environmental impact in ccm.bib
  Title                    = {Lagrangian transport pathways in the northeast Atlantic and their environmental impact},
  Author                   = {Sala, I.~ and Caldeira, R.~M.~A.~ and Estrada-Allis, S.~N.~ and Froufe, E.~ and Couvelard, X.~},
  Journal                  = {Limnology and Oceanography: Fluids and Environments},
  Year                     = {2013},
  Pages                    = {40--60},
  Volume                   = {3},
  Doi                      = {10.1215/21573689-2152611},
  Keywords                 = {drifting, rafting, connectivity, pollutant and larval transport, water masses},
  Owner                    = {jluis},
  Timestamp                = {2013.05.27},
  Url                      = {}