author = {Shaginyan, V. R. and Amusia, M. Ya. and Clark, J. W. and Japaridze, G. S. and Msezane, A. Z. and Stephanovich, V. A. and Leevik, Y. S. and Kirichenko, E. V.},
title = {Revealing quantum spin liquid in the herbertsmithite $\rm ZnCu_{3}(OH)_6Cl_{2}$},
month = jun,
year = {2018},
abstract = {Based on experimental data and our theoretical analysis, we provide a strategy for unambiguous establishing of gapless quantum spin liquid state (QSL) in herbertsmithite and other materials. To clarify the nature of QSL, we recommend measurements of heat transport, low-energy inelastic neutron scattering and optical conductivity under the application of external magnetic field at low temperatures. We also suggest that artificially introduced inhomogeneity into $\rm ZnCu_{3}(OH)_6Cl_2$ can stabilize QSL, and serves as a test elucidating the contribution coming from impurities. We predict the results of these measurements in the case of gapless QSL.},
date = {2018-06-28},
eprint = {http://arxiv.org/abs/1806.11081v1},
eprintclass = {cond-mat.str-el},
eprinttype = {arXiv},
file = {:http\://arxiv.org/pdf/1806.11081v1:PDF},
keywords = {cond-mat.str-el},
owner = {jluis},
timestamp = {2018.07.24},