Bibtex entry: Assessment of the Metrological Performance of Seismic Tables for a QMS Recognition in ccm.bib
  author       = {Ribeiro, A. S. and Costa, A. C. and Candeias, P. and Sousa, J. A. and Martins, L. L. and Martins, A. C. F. and Ferreira, A. C.},
  title        = {Assessment of the Metrological Performance of Seismic Tables for a QMS Recognition},
  booktitle    = {Journal of Physics: Conference Series},
  year         = {2016},
  volume       = {772},
  number       = {1},
  pages        = {012006},
  organization = {IOP Publishing},
  owner        = {jluis},
  timestamp    = {2017.11.20},