Bibtex entry: Uncertainty Analysis of Thermal Comfort Parameters in ccm.bib
  author =    {Ribeiro, A. Silva and Alves e Sousa, J. and Cox, Maurice G. and Forbes, Alistair B. and Matias, L. Cordeiro and Martins, L. Lages},
  title =     {Uncertainty Analysis of Thermal Comfort Parameters},
  journal =   {Int.\ J.\ Thermophys},
  year =      {2015},
  month =     {Jul},
  doi =       {10.1007/s10765-015-1888-1},
  issn =      {1572-9567},
  owner =     {jluis},
  publisher = {Springer Science + Business Media},
  timestamp = {2015.08.28},
  url =       {}