Bibtex entry: Impact of $e-e$ interactions on the superfluid density of overdoped cuprates in ccm.bib
  author      = {Khodel, V. A. and Clark, J. W. and ZVEREV, M. V.},
  title       = {Impact of $e-e$ interactions on the superfluid density of overdoped cuprates},
  month       = jul,
  year        = {2018},
  abstract    = {Landau's theory of the Fermi liquid is modified to describe dirty electron systems in overdoped copper oxides when the impurity-induced damping of single-particle excitations becomes comparable with the BCS gap. On this basis, we analyze the effect of electron-electron ($e-e$) interactions on the superfluid density $\rho_s(T=0)$ at zero temperature in the prominent case of overdoped LSCO compounds. Their inclusion leads to a substantial renormalization of the standard dirty-limit results, such that all previous calculations that ignore $e-e$ interactions must be considered inconclusive.},
  date        = {2018-07-10},
  eprint      = {},
  eprintclass = {cond-mat.str-el},
  eprinttype  = {arXiv},
  file        = {:http\://},
  keywords    = {cond-mat.str-el},
  owner       = {jluis},
  timestamp   = {2018.07.24},