Bibtex entry: Complex Gaussian analysis and the Bargmann-Segal space in ccm.bib
  Title                    = {Complex {G}aussian analysis and the {B}argmann-{S}egal space},
  Author                   = {Grothaus, M.~ and Kondratiev, Yu.~G.~ and Streit, L.~},
  Journal                  = {Methods Funct.~Anal.~Topology},
  Year                     = {1997},
  Number                   = {2},
  Pages                    = {46--64},
  Volume                   = {3},
  Ccm-nr                   = {19/97},
  Ccmauthor                = {Streit, L.~},
  Date-added               = {2008-11-01 12:19:48 +0000},
  Date-modified            = {2008-11-03 17:05:35 +0000},
  Fjournal                 = {Methods of Functional Analysis and Topology},
  ISSN                     = {1029-3531},
  Mrclass                  = {46F25 (46E50 46G20 60H99)},
  Mrnumber                 = {MR1632659 (99h:46073)},
  Mrreviewer               = {Habib Ouerdiane}