Title = {{Mittag-Leffler Analysis I: Construction and characterization}},
Author = {Grothaus, M.~ and Jahnert, F.~ and Riemann, F.~ and Silva, J.~L.~},
Journal = JFA,
Year = {2015},
Month = {April},
Number = {7},
Pages = {1876--1903},
Volume = {268},
Abstract = {We construct an infinite dimensional analysis with respect to non- Gaussian measures of Mittag-Leffler type which we call Mittag-Leffler measures. It turns out that the well-known Wick ordered polynomials in Gaussian analysis cannot be generalized to this non-Gaussian case. Instead of using Wick ordered polynomials we prove that a system of biorthogonal polynomials, called Appell system, is applicable to the Mittag-Leffler measures. Therefore we are able to introduce a test function and a distribution space. As an application we construct Donsker?s delta in a non-Gaussian setting as a weak integral in the distribution space.},
Comment = {JIF_Quartile = {Q1},},
Doi = {10.1016/j.jfa.2014.12.007},
Myown = {master61},
Owner = {jluis},
Timestamp = {2014.06.06},
Url = {http://authors.elsevier.com/sd/article/S0022123614005242}