Bibtex entry: Impact of electron-electron interactions on the superfluid density of dirty superconductors in ccm.bib
  author    = {Khodel, V. A. and Clark, J. W. and Zverev, M. V.},
  title     = {Impact of electron-electron interactions on the superfluid density of dirty superconductors},
  journal   = {Phys.\ Rev.\ B},
  year      = {2019},
  volume    = {99},
  pages     = {184503},
  month     = {May},
  doi       = {10.1103/PhysRevB.99.184503},
  issue     = {18},
  numpages  = {8},
  owner     = {jluis},
  publisher = {American Physical Society},
  timestamp = {2019.05.20},
  url       = {},