Bibtex entry: A nonlinear stochastic equation of convolution type in ccm.bib
  Title                    = {A nonlinear stochastic equation of convolution type},
  Author                   = {Cipriano, F.~ and Ouerdiane, H.~ and Da Silva, J.~L.~ and Vilela Mendes, R.~},
  Booktitle                = {Mathematical Analysis of Random Phenomena},
  Year                     = {2007},
  Editor                   = {Cruzeiro, A.~B.~ and Obata, N.~ and Ouerdiane, H.~},
  Pages                    = {73--84},
  Publisher                = {World Scientific},
  Bdsk-url-1               = {},
  Bdsk-url-2               = {},
  Ccmauthor                = {Da Silva, J.~L.~},
  Date-added               = {2008-11-17 17:31:34 +0000},
  Date-modified            = {2008-11-17 17:31:34 +0000},
  Url                      = {}