Title = {The {F}eynman integrand for the perturbed harmonic oscillator as a {H}ida distribution},
Author = {Cunha, M.~ and Drumond, C.~ and Da Silva, J.~L.~ and Leukert, P.~},
Journal = {Ann.~Physik (8)},
Year = {1995},
Number = {1},
Pages = {53--67},
Volume = {4},
Bdsk-url-1 = {http://ccm.uma.pt/publications/west.pdf},
Ccm-nr = {14/95},
Ccmauthor = {Cunha, M.~ and Drumond, C.~ and Da Silva, J.~L.~},
Coden = {ANPYA},
Date-added = {2008-11-01 12:19:48 +0000},
Date-modified = {2008-11-18 10:19:51 +0000},
Fjournal = {Annalen der Physik (8)},
ISSN = {0003-3804},
Mrclass = {81S40 (60G20)},
Mrnumber = {MR1313816 (96k:81134)},
Mrreviewer = {Philip J. Feinsilver},
Url = {http://ccm.uma.pt/publications/west.pdf}