Bibtex entry: The Burgers Equation with a Non-Gaussian Random Force in ccm.bib
  Title                    = {The Burgers Equation with a Non-Gaussian Random Force},
  Author                   = {Benth, F.~ and Streit, L.~},
  Booktitle                = {Stochastic analysis and related topics, {VI} ({G}eilo, 1996)},
  Publisher                = {Birkh{\"a}user Boston},
  Year                     = {1998},
  Address                  = {Boston, MA},
  Editor                   = {Decreusefond, L.~et al.~},
  Pages                    = {187--210},
  Series                   = {Progr.~Probab.},
  Volume                   = {42},
  Ccm-nr                   = {16a/96},
  Ccmauthor                = {Streit, L.~},
  Date-added               = {2008-11-01 12:19:48 +0000},
  Date-modified            = {2008-11-01 12:19:48 +0000},
  Mrclass                  = {35R60 (35Q53 60H15)},
  Mrnumber                 = {MR1652343 (99j:35238)},
  Mrreviewer               = {Alp O. Eden}