Title = {Searching for Communities in Bipartite Networks},
Author = {Barber, M.~J.~ and Faria, M.~ and Streit, L.~ and Strogan, O.~},
Booktitle = {Searching for Communities in Bipartite Networks: Proceedings of the 5th Jagna International Workshop},
Year = {2008},
Editor = {Bernido, C.~C.~ and Bernido, V.~C.~},
Number = {1},
Pages = {171--182},
Publisher = {AIP Conf.~Proc.},
Volume = {1021},
Bdsk-url-1 = {http://ccm.uma.pt/publications/Barber-Faria-Streit-Strogan-2008.pdf},
Bdsk-url-2 = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.2956795},
Ccm-nr = {02/08},
Ccmauthor = {Barber, M.~J.~ and Faria, M.~ and Streit, L.~ and Strogan, O.~},
Date-added = {2008-10-31 16:45:19 +0000},
Date-modified = {2008-11-01 12:34:18 +0000},
Doi = {10.1063/1.2956795},
Url = {http://ccm.uma.pt/publications/Barber-Faria-Streit-Strogan-2008.pdf}