Madeira Epidemic Modellers Encounter 2024"> Home | <font size="3">Madeira Epidemic Modellers Encounter 2024<font>
Madeira Epidemic Modellers Encounter 2024 is a 5 days workshop dedicated to the modeling, the aim of the workshop is to strengthen the collaboration gained during the pandemic between different COVID-19 modeling groups.

Workshop Venue:
The workshop will take place in the building Colégio dos Jesuítas do Funchal located at the city center: see map

How to reach Funchal City center:
There is an Aerobus from the airport to Funchal city center (direction Airport/Praia Formosa) which takes about 30min and costs 6€ (10€ both directions). The schedule is available and here

Supported by:
  • CIMA-UMa, Universidade da Madeira, Portugal
  • University of Science and Technology, Wroclaw, Poland